Monday, December 30, 2019

2019 activities

End of the year 2019 Professor Potrc activities include Andrej Medved successful PhD supervision, Wuerzburg University (16-19. X.2019) alumni Michaela Thiel organized Egypt meeting, with quality development workshop, and Zagreb University Philosophy department 3rd International symposium with presentation of Appreciation and Out of the Blue paper (22-23.XI.2019), also encounter with high school buddies, including Drago Vuica. Deer close to my working room window in November.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Matjaz Potrc leader of a rock band

Matjaz Potrc ( bass guitar, in the middle) as leader of the rock band The Penguins in 1967. Left Branko Madzarevic (guitar), right of him Rado Komel (solo guitar), down: Silvic Kopriva (drums), down right Jernej Jung (the singer).

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Propositional Modularity Reka

On April 19th 2018 professor Potrc delivered a lecture on Propositional Modularity at the Reka international philosophy symposium,

Saturday, January 6, 2018


Great job, Matjaz!
Your publications reached 40 citations
Matjaz, you can increase the visibility of your work
Invite your co-authors to confirm their authorship on ResearchGate and boost the visibility of your mutual publications.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Nicelna tocka

Figure one from //The Analysis of Sensations// by E Mach, 1897.

Machova upodobitev nicelne tocke iz njegove knjige Analiza obcutkov, konec 19 stoletja. Bistvo nicelne tocke je da omogoca predstavljanje in opazovanje okolice, vendar sama ni predstavljena ali upodobljena.

   Profesor Matjaz Potrc je v soboto 9. aprila 2016 na simpoziju posvecenemu delu dr. Andreja Uleta predstavil svoj prispevek z naslovom Nicelna tocka nanasanja (Referential Zero Point).

Tuesday, February 9, 2016